An Excellent Woman: Hannah K. of Hannah’s Homestead

Gracious Woman

Hello, readers! Susan Karsten here. Following is my interview of Hannah Kooiman, one of the most talented ladies it is my privilege to know these days. She farms, gardens, cooks, cans, mothers, teaches, crochets, and so on. Read on to find her bio at the end. Thanks!

hannah Kooiman pic

So Hannah, what’s a typical day like for you?  Busy! I am usually up early and after checking emails/messages I go out to care for my chickens.  Depending on the time of year, and how many birds I have, this can take up to an hour with hauling feed, water, bedding, etc.  After I get back in the house, I package up any orders I completed the night before and run them out to the mailbox.  We eat breakfast and afterward we spend some time on schoolwork.  I work with the youngest 3 kids and the older ones do most of their work…

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