Meet the owner of Hannahs Homestead

I have always loved doing things with my hands. When I was about 6 or 7 my mother taught me how to knit a washcloth and I remember making some pea-green dishcloths for my grandmother’s birthday. Both of my grandmas knitted, crocheted and did other forms of handwork. I remember making small cross-stitch projects when I was about 10. I learned to crochet when my second daughter was a born and someone gave me a baby gift of yarn and a crochet pattern for a baby blanket.

Self Portrait

Many years later, I am still creating things. I have done many types of needlework: knitting, sewing, crocheting, tatting, hardanger, hairpin lace, broomstick lace, cross stitch and more.

My husband and I have 8 children, ages 5-18, who are also learning many of these crafts. Several of my daughters help me in my Hannahs Homestead business. We live on a small family farm in Wisconsin, where we have dairy cows, chickens and too many cats. We try to grow as much of our food as possible with a very large garden, orchard, berry patch and vineyard. I love to be outdoors especially in my gardens as much as possible. Photography is also one of my hobbies and it’s been very helpful in the development of Hannahs Homestead.   IMG_3344

Hannahs Homestead started in Oct 2012 when a friend asked me to crochet a pair of baby booties for her grand-daughter. As we were going through some very difficult financial times, I wondered if I might be able to earn some extra money by making and selling more booties. They were a huge success!!Soon I started selling other items and taking custom orders. At a friend’s prompting I started a Facebook Fan page ( )   and in Jan 2013 I opened an Etsy shop ( ).

I started developing my own patterns many years ago, but I never wrote them out until about
a year ago.

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Recently a few friends prompted me to start on the pattern designing/writing/selling adventure. I love it!!! I have designed and released several patterns now and have many, many more ideas in my head!

Brookfield Kerchief Collage II    IMG_2711          IMG_2040 - Copy     IMG_2135

3 thoughts on “Meet the owner of Hannahs Homestead

  1. Pingback: Meet the owner of Hannahs Homestead | khkooiman

  2. Tansy Froemming

    I have loved every single item I have ever purchased from you, excellent quality! This blog is a beautiful way to share your hard work and dedication 🙂


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